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Home Learning

Welcome to our guide for parents in supporting effective HOME LEARNING. We hope you find this booklet a helpful means of understanding how Netherfield School will be working with you and your child to be ‘the best that they can be’.

Partnership with parents is crucial to every child’s opportunity to achieve. Together, we can guide your child through the challenges and learning opportunities that Netherfield makes readily available. Each child in primary school is ‘learning to learn’: how to learn, how to work with other people and how to get the most from him/herself.

  • What will children take home?

    A Home Learning chart and a book in which to write, draw, stick in pictures, tables or lists etc.

  • How often will this happen?

    Children will be asked to choose tasks, age related and linked to their class topic. These will have to be completed by specified dates, usually over a 3 week period.

  • What is the parent/carer meant to do?

    Talk through the tasks with the child and discuss which ones he/she would like to do. Help them to find information but do not do the work for them. Encourage and praise their efforts. Make sure they hand it in on time

  • Learning Styles

    Each of us has a natural preference for the way in which we receive process and impart information. We may be:

    Visual learners

    Auditory learners

    Kinaesthetic learners (movement and touch)

    In class we present information using all three styles wherever possible. This allows all learners the opportunity to become involved, no matter what their preferred style may be. We want to apply this to home learning.

Additional Home Learning

Daily Reading

Times Tables


Mental Maths Books (KS2)

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