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Welcome to Ruby Class- Reception

Welcome to Ruby Class Page!

Here you will find links to useful websites, useful documents you can download and all the information about classroom matters and learning for the coming term.

If you have any queries I am contactable on the email address below.

Mrs Harris


Our Classroom

Term 3 and 4

Below is an outline of what we will be learning about over the term. The EYFS curriculum is a play-based curriculum where children learn through their own interests. As we observe the different things the reception children are interested in, we will plan opportunities within the classroom to enable them to explore their interests and develop them further through the 7 areas of learning. This means that the learning detailed below is just a starting point, there will be parts of this that they chose to take part in and parts that they do not, and they will engage in a wealth of additional activities as opportunities arise. You will be able to see some of the exciting additional learning that the receptions have engaged in through the weekly “Learning Snapshots” on Tapestry.

Around the World

This term we will be travelling Around The World on a voyage of discovery! Our topic learning across the curriculum will take us around the world as we learn about countries across the continents in Geography, artists from 2 contrasting countries and food from different cultures.

Much of our learning will start with our knowledge closer to home - our own lives and where we live. We will think about the United Kingdom in Geography, before looking further afield, about how we have changed and our own bodies in Science, and foods we enjoy before trying food from other cultures.

For more details please see the Term 3 Curriculum Newsletter in the documents section.

Fun and Games

Purple Mash

A reminder that we have joined the Purple Mash community for teaching and learning computing and digital literacy. The children all have their own logins to access the games , activites and programs on the website, and they will be able to explain to you how it all works. If they have forgotten their login, we have a record of them and will be able to provide them to you! Click the picture to go to the login page. 

Oxford Owl

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